Maurice Marulli de Barletta - Les Français Libres

Les Français Libres, de juin 1940 à juillet 1943

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Maurice Marulli de Barletta

Naissance : 1er novembre 1881 - Paris

Engagement dans la France Libre : Indes en juillet 1940

Affectation principale : Comités /

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Maurice Marulli de Barletta - son Livre ouvert !

"... In his notes, Bro. Forbes recalled his initiation 34 years before in the company of the late Bro. the Comte Maurice Marulli de Barletta and the contretemps that followed when they were called upon to reply to the toast of “The Initiates”. Bro. de Barletta replied first in his native French which took Bro. Forbes completely by surprise and he thereupon made his first, but by no means last, impromptu masonic speech. Bro. Forbes also recalled the 75th Anniversary in 1939 when the Lodge was visited by the brethren of Lodge Cosmopolitan of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and Ancient Landmark Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, both of which were founded in the same year as Tuscan Lodge. The war years, when all masons in Shanghai were interred as “political suspects” were recalled with a tinge of sadness that the masonic light had gone out temporarily in the Far East. When the suggestion was made, 10 years ago, to transfer the Lodge to London, the late Wor. Bro. Philip Higgs, Wor. Bro. Trice and himself acted promptly and negotiations took place with the Grand Secretary, with the happy result that the Lodge is now firmly established in a new home in London. ..."

A summary of The Origin and History of Shanghai Tuscan Lodge No. 1027 1864 – 2016 › ...

Laurent Laloup le mardi 04 septembre 2018 - Demander un contact

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