Lucien Duchemann - Les Français Libres

Les Français Libres, de juin 1940 à juillet 1943

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Lucien Duchemann

Naissance : 12 mars 1922 - Saint-Benoît, La Réunion

Activité antérieure : militaire

Point de départ vers la France Libre : Pacifique/Indien

Engagement dans la France Libre : Madagascar en décembre 1942

Affectation principale : FAFL /

Grade atteint pendant la guerre et spécialité : sous-lieutenant

Dossier administratif de résistant : GR 16 P 196061

Dans la liste d'Henri Ecochard V40 : ligne 16605

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Lucien Duchemann - son Livre ouvert !

De gauche à droite : un inconnu, Francis Frappier, Marc Ycard, Victor Frappier, Lucien Duchemann

Jacques Ghémard le vendredi 26 juin 2020 - Demander un contact

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" De Gaulle ranks top in the admiration and loyalty of the Fighting French forces and of the civilian population of France and her colonies, according to Guy Descamps, 21, a young sailor in the Fighting French Navy. Guy, whose home is near Oran in North Africa, was one of a group of Fighting French airmen and sailors who were guests of Vancouver's French-Canadian Association at a dinner in Hotel Vancouver Saturday night. And Guy's sentiments were quickly echoed by the rest of the group. 'LEADER WE LOOKED FOE "We wouldn't be in the Fighting French forces," said Lucien Duchemann, "if in our opinion De Gaulle was not the best. - "He is the leader we have been looking for a long time. At last we have got him, a man we can trust, a man devoted to the concepts of democracy. We look to him to restore law and order out of this chaos," he concluded. Four of the airmen are from the same colony, Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. Two of the boys, Victor and Francis Frarmier are brothers. Lucien Duchemann is the third, and the fourth is Andre Gerard. DRAFTED BY VICHY Here is Victor Frappier's story: "We wanted to join the French Aviation Corps in 1939," but the Armistice was signed before we could get to France. "As we were of call-up age, we were drafted into the Vichy forces which controlled the colony. We served in Madagascar for a year and a half, until we were enabled to join the Free French when the Allied forces took Madagascar." Corporal Armand Chaffenet had less pleasant experiences, however. He was 15 when the Armistice was signed, and. still at Jiis home in Flers de L'Orne, Normandy. He is now 19. INTERNED IN SPAIN "I got out via Spain, so naturally, . I was interned," he said. "Durjng our. time in Spanish prison camps we had some pretty bad times. "Once we were 15 days in a damp cellar, with very little food, and even that food was very bad. Another time I was packed with 45 prisoners into a wagon, locked in three days and nights without food or water, with our hands shackled. I'll never forget that. "The treatment Spain gave us was beyond description. There were British and Canadian boys in Spain with us, "I would like to be able to tell all the Canadian people here that the Canadian boys were treated no better than we were. FOOD IN MUD "It was a common practice," he stated, "for guards to kick our food Into the mud, to make us scramble for It, fish it out, and eat it dirty as It was. This was in the Miranda Del Ebro internment camp. "There was no water to wash it off. "Quite often," he said, "we didn't have enough water to drink. The general rule was that we didn't get any for washing," he concluded. Henry Vldal and Roland Burnet both hail from North Africa, and were able to join the Fighting French Navy when the Allies took over control."

Publication: The Vancouver Sun i
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date: Monday, June 26, 1944
Page: 13 

Laurent Laloup le mardi 07 janvier 2020 - Demander un contact

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Merci grand père

Comment te remercie pour tout ce que tu as pu faire dans ta vie ....
Mon seule regret est de ne pas t'avoir connu .
A toi

Duchemann le samedi 19 mars 2016 - Demander un contact

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merci grand pere

Merci du fond du coeur pour ta contribution a l'aéronautique en général. Ton arrière -arrière petit fils est heureux d'apprendre l'aviation en sachant que tu coules dans mes veines. Je comprends pourquoi je me sens mieux près de toi, là- haut.

duchemann david le vendredi 09 janvier 2015 - Demander un contact

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son parcours

Né en St-Benoit (La réunion), Lucien DUCHEMANN rallie la France Libre le 21 juin 1943. Il est immatriculé à la Cie de l'Air à Londres avec le n°35.795. Envoyé en école au Canada à partir de janvier 1944 et en sort breveté pilote en février 1945 (n°419). Repris en compte le 31 mars 1945 en Angleterre, il est envoyé au 4 ACRC et ne semble pas avoir rejoint une unité combattante avant le 8 mai 1945.


Bertrand H le dimanche 21 avril 2013 - Demander un contact

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photo octobre 1943

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redel catherine le mercredi 17 avril 2013 - Demander un contact

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Réponse :

Jean Lhenry, Claude Cahen, Jean Redel, Yves Gourvil, Jean Garandeau, Edouard Raphael, Andre Le Troublon, Clement Suzo, Paul Bellot, Lucien Duchemann, Aldo Luraschi, Jacques de Leon, Roger Pierront, Antoine Roth

Assis, on voit de gauche à droite : Cpl. Mitchell, Sgt. Saury, W/O Genay, Sgt. Harrop, F/O Brockebank, Sgt Ehrman, Cpl. Abouchedid, Cpl. Arnaud

Albert Mitchell, Yvan Genay, Jean Ehrman ou Serge Ehrman, Claude Abouchedid, Louis Arnaud

Lucien Duchemann ?

"4 août 1967, premier vol commercial direct Métropole - Réunion par le Boeing 707 d'Air France, aux commandes un enfant du pays, Lucien Duchemann. Des milliers de Réunionnais se bousculent à Gillot pour assister à ce spectacle. 1965 un marché sur appel d’offre restreint est passé entre le ministre des Transports et du tourisme et la Société Nationale de Travaux Publics, cet appel d’offre ayant pour but l’allongement de la piste de Gillot pour la réception des quadriréacteurs. Les travaux comprennent l’allongement de la piste vers l’Ouest, à travers le lit de la rivière des Pluies sur sept cents mètres environ, la construction de digues sur les rives de la rivière et l’extension de la piste de stationnement. " 

laurent le jeudi 03 septembre 2009 - Demander un contact

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Dernière mise à jour le vendredi 26 juin 2020


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