Jacques Barchilon né Cohen alias Lawrence - Les Français Libres

Les Français Libres, de juin 1940 à juillet 1943

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Jacques Barchilon né Cohen alias Lawrence

Naissance : 8 avril 1923 - Casablanca, Maroc

Point de départ vers la France Libre : Nord Afrique

Engagement dans la France Libre : Londres en juin 1943

Affectation principale : Terre Leclerc - Afrique /

Grade atteint pendant la guerre et spécialité : 2c

Décès à 95 ans - 19 juin 2018 - Arcata, Humboldt, Californie, USA

Dossier administratif de résistant : GR 16 P 32431

Dans la liste d'Henri Ecochard V40 : ligne 3340

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Jacques Barchilon né Cohen alias Lawrence - son Livre ouvert !

An (Almost) Unknown Moment in the Life Of General De Gaulle, by Jacques Barchilon

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Laurent Laloup le dimanche 15 septembre 2019 - Demander un contact

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" to escape the Nazis and the Vichy government. He ran away at age 20 to join the Free French Forces, escaping from Tangiers to Gibraltar, on a fishing boat in the middle of the night. He took an assumed name, Jack Lawrence, to hide his Jewish origin - a common practice for soldiers in WWII. After serving in both England and France he emigrated to the US in 1950 where he completed a B.A. in History at the University of Rochester. He took a Masters in Comparative Literature and then a Ph.D. in Romance Languages, both at Harvard University. He taught at the University of Colorado from 1959 to 1991, and was named Professor Emeritus on retirement. Widely published in his field, Jacques was considered one of the pioneers in the study of 17 th century fairy tales as literature. His specialty was Charles Perreault, and he wrote seven books on his life and work, as well as many articles. He published the international and highly influential scholarly journal, Marvels and Tales , from 1981-1991. At the ripe age of 75, he reconnected with his former Harvard classmate Judith Senior. Both had had children, married and divorced, and then found each other again. They married in 1999 and lived together in Denver, CO, for 18 happy years. Such was their love and intellectual partnership that they were fond of saying the best years of their life were those at the end. Up until Judy died (in 2017) they spent every Spring together in Paris, in a small apartment far from tourists, in the 13th Arrondissement. Jacques suffered a broken heart, literally, after her passing. For his final year he needed constant care, which was provided by his daughter Nicole, son Paul, and several caretakers. He passed peacefully in Nicole's home, surrounded by loving family. A memorial gathering will be held at the home of Paul Barchilon, 1005 36 th St. Boulder, on October 19 th , at 12:30 pm.

Published in The Daily Camera on Oct. 14, 2018" 

Laurent Laloup le dimanche 15 septembre 2019 - Demander un contact

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" Jacques Barchilon Ancien soldat des Forces Françaises Libres. Engagé au camp de Camberley [Angleterre, banlieue de Londres) le 23 juin 1943 sous le nom de guerre de "Jacques Lawrence". Matricule 55 742. Dernière affectation au bataillon de renfort de la Deuxième Division Blindée. Démobilisation le 25/10/1945. Membre des Amitiés de la Résistance."

Laurent Laloup le mardi 05 juillet 2016 - Demander un contact

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4 Avril 2014

"Nicole Barchilon Frank: It’s A Small World After All… Shouldn’t We Act Like It

"... Well, my father illegally crossed the Straight of Gibraltar as a young man on a fishing boat under a tarp of fish. He was with one other young man, they were both fleeing Nazi-occupied Morocco to join up with the Free French Forces who had a large fleet ship in the port of Gibraltar. My father made it to that ship and joined the Free French Forces. He emigrated to this country after the war and that’s how I got here, although I was born in Paris. My father will turn 90 in Paris, while my 16-year-old son plays an Islamic Moroccan immigrant in a show in Barcelona. How could I not have my son be part of this story about crossing the Straight illegally and going to Marrakesh and Barcelona? ..."

laurent le jeudi 10 décembre 2015 - Demander un contact

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Réponse :

Ca ne colle pas trop avec un engagement en 1943. Ou alors Giraud était un nazi ?

Mais le prénom du père de Nicole est effectivement Jacques 

Jacques Barchilon ?

Introduction a la litterature fantastique. Paris: Seuil. Jacques Barchilon (b. 1923) is Professor of French at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

The semiotic criticism of Charles Perrault's Contes - de J BARCHILON - 1984

Laurent le mercredi 06 janvier 2010 - Demander un contact

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Oui, c'est lui

An Interview with Jacques Barchilon: From Free French Soldier to Fairy-Tale Pioneer
By Duggan, E.

After service in the Free French Forces (1943 to 1945) Jacques Barchilon emigrated to the United States, resumed his education, and eventually came to Harvard University in 1950. At the time, he was mainly interested in graduate work in Comparative Literature and History. His life-long interest in historical research was renewed by some of the outstanding scholars teaching there, and naturally (almost fatally) led to a general study of the French Seventeenth-Century fairy tale, and resulted in pioneering works, beginning in 1956. A list of his publications, subsequent to his doctoral dissertation, would be a monotonous bibliographical exercise mentioning his books and articles in a variety of scholarly journals. It might be more interesting to briefly develop some of his ideas on the significance of fairy tales.

Dernière mise à jour le dimanche 15 septembre 2019


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