Contributions - Les Français Libres

Les Français Libres, de juin 1940 à juillet 1943

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Une contribution parmi 61416

Hassoldt Davis , pas tué en 42 ?

Vraisemblablement auteur d'un article "En Tunisie avec Leclerc" dans " LES OEUVRES LIBRES" N°229 du 01-01-1945, et de "Half Past When: An American with the Fighting French", Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1944

et d'une préface :

"Air-borne Invasion: The Story of the Battle of Crete"
by John Hetherington.

Hard cover.
Published 1944 by Oswald-Sealy (NZ) Ltd, Auckland.
151 pages.
B&W photos.
Sketch maps.

Quote from preface, written by 2nd Lt. Hassoldt Davis, First Flying Column of Spahia, Fighting French Forces, Middle East.:
"No one could be better fitted to write this epic of modern Crete and her great champions. No blooded man has tried. This is a tale told by a war corresondent whose delight it is to get the news first-hand with the first line of troops, and whose satisfaction is to write it precisely, with a rhythm appropriate to its theme and with a balance of dramatic values which, is I feel, unequalled in the correspondence of war today. This is a tale of high courage, of high guilt, and of a swaggering, confident retreat".

Laurent Laloup le mardi 10 juillet 2007

Réponse :

Et Amilakvari n'est pas mort en mai, mais le 24 octobre 1942 

Contribution au livre ouvert de Hassoldt William Davis

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